nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Oct 5, 2006 #12,903 gobble (and thanks guys for the congrats on the upcoming baby )
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Oct 5, 2006 #12,908 honor (of course my wife would be the matron of honor at her sister's wedding this December since she's married )
honor (of course my wife would be the matron of honor at her sister's wedding this December since she's married )
lurk Mitä? Oct 5, 2006 #12,910 must... resist... humorous... but... inappropriate... word... Um... Wholesome // ;-)
eric2006 iMovie Professional Oct 5, 2006 #12,919 built-in (control click a text-box, select "check spelling as you type" under the spelling thing.)