nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) May 15, 2007 #14,569 Oscar (All I could think of is that little fuzzy green guy in his trash can. )
lurk Mitä? May 16, 2007 #14,573 Neanderthal // Lar alunda Lana. Lar zug-zug... // Yeah, I know they were Cro-Magnon. Cut a guy a little poetic license.
Neanderthal // Lar alunda Lana. Lar zug-zug... // Yeah, I know they were Cro-Magnon. Cut a guy a little poetic license.
Ryozo Registered May 23, 2007 #14,577 Mighty Martin (for those who have read Redwall...I know..I'm a weirdo for llikeing stories about anthropomorphic forest creatures battling viciously for truth and justice against invading vermin...*eas things*)
Mighty Martin (for those who have read Redwall...I know..I'm a weirdo for llikeing stories about anthropomorphic forest creatures battling viciously for truth and justice against invading vermin...*eas things*)