M Mobius Rex Registered Apr 4, 2006 #10,742 noodles (scythe>curry. Whatsamatta? Can't grok the relationship? Why, it's as obvious as the nose on my ass!)
noodles (scythe>curry. Whatsamatta? Can't grok the relationship? Why, it's as obvious as the nose on my ass!)
ora Registered Apr 4, 2006 #10,743 Jazz (My Groking skills are lacking, maybe i need some of that herbal remedy you are advertising in your sig to understand the connection)
Jazz (My Groking skills are lacking, maybe i need some of that herbal remedy you are advertising in your sig to understand the connection)
M Mobius Rex Registered Apr 4, 2006 #10,746 horns (Ora, this should help your grokking skills!) http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1274/s8dq.png
lurk Mitä? Apr 4, 2006 #10,750 Dad /morbid sad disgusting black humor, but I feel better for it // No I don't /// And Yep he is at the med school as we speak
Dad /morbid sad disgusting black humor, but I feel better for it // No I don't /// And Yep he is at the med school as we speak
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Apr 4, 2006 #10,759 death (If you can't tell the difference, I won't tell )