word association!

lurk said:
Yummy yummy...
I've got love in my tummy"

(Doubtless a perfectly innocent song title in the early 60s, but nowadays, in this more enlightened age, it conjures up mental pictures that…)

Fruit Pastilles
Somehow, I don't think it was innocent then. I think we are just dumbing things down more these days. In the old days you had to be bright enough to pick up on the double entendre and subtle allusions. People are just to lazy today.

I remember how I was shocked once to hear someone tell me that Rick and Ilsa had hooked up in Casa Blanka. I didn't pick up on that in the version I saw as a child, but yep the 30 something me can see it plain as day.

And to keep steering us toward the gutter, the word is...
Sheffield (Sharks – basketball team)

(Barney Carnage…? I once had a screensaver called Barney Blaster, in which one had a variety of weaponry with which to do horrible things to Barney. Same thing?)