Macwold NY annoucement.. What do you think.........

What do you think will be the biggest, or most realistic announcement at MWNY.

  • Flat Panel iMac

  • Mac OS X 10.1

  • New G4 Towers

  • Updated G4 Powerbook

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I was at a hamfest a few weeks ago, and I saw some pretty impressive pin-hole cameras.

Wouldn't it be neat if the new imacs or ibooks had pin-hole cameras mounted near the top of the screen (by the mic)?

If they were usb cameras, compatability would be good even with os 9.

I doubt that this is out 'iMac suprise'... but this is Apple, remember. So you never know.

Someone confirmed an new style imac for me, I never guessed it wuld be such a radical change - if that is it - I WANT ONE!
I've been looking at these imac pics for a while.

While they appear to be real, don't forget how easy this is to do in a 3d design program, like Maya or 3d studio.

Also, says LCD's are out.

Not to mention, where are the wires to those fancy speakers? With a clear case, shouldn't you be able to see them?

Although, if they really sell this for about a grand, my beige g3 may see ebay...
Another HUGE thing I am hoping to hear about tomorrow is Final Cut update for OSX!! I read somewhere that this summer sometime Final Cut will be ported over to OSX. Hopefully this happens cause it would be freakin awesome if it does happen tomorrow!
I'm a bit skeptical on those flat pannel iMacs. I just don't think they could produce them cheap enough to keep the iMac inexpensive.
But...who knows?
Those are FAKE! Just look at the slot loading cd drive.... doesnt look too real to me. I've seen a few sites that make pictures like this (they all look realy real and pretty cool), but they are fake. If I come accross the site, I'll b sure to post a link.
Uhhmmmm.....when you put a cd in that slot loading drive...WHERE THE HELL DOES IT GO? :) The computer is only a few inches thick...does the CD hang out the back?!

The new iMac with the silicone compressing DVD/CDRW drive!

Nice try to whoever rendered that one :P
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen
Uhhmmmm.....when you put a cd in that slot loading drive...WHERE THE HELL DOES IT GO? :) The computer is only a few inches thick...does the CD hang out the back?!

The new iMac with the silicone compressing DVD/CDRW drive!

Nice try to whoever rendered that one :P

You can't see this in the first pic, but in the second pic that wdw_ posted, there's a side view, and that's where the CD goes. It's also in the first pic; you can see the leg hanging off it. So, to answer your question: yes, the CD does hang out the back.
the cd drive doesnt look like its actually there. Who ever did it is good with photoshop or something. Its a cinima display with those speakers that came with the cube (forgot the name), and the slot loading cd drive from the cube. Also, how could you fit in the harddrive and still have room for the the logic board with cpu and all. the cube was 8 in and it was pretty compact. Apple would have to fit all that stuff in about 3in X 5in X 2in
It's pretty unlikely, but they could have put the whole computer outside excluding the CD/DVD/CD-R and the display. The cube had an external power supply about half as big as itself, so I guess it's possible. And that way, if the computer tipped over, you would just buy a new 'terminal'. But, like I said, that's probably not the case, and it's really a fake.

And if you want to get really nit-picky, this couldn't be the real ad because "combo" isn't capitalized. Apple wouldn't make a dumb mistake like that! :D
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen
Here is my official prediction:

1GHz G4s
Dual 733Mhz G4s
OSX 10.0.5 with DVD playback
New iMac "skins" & 100MHz clock speed increase
TiBooks with CDRW

I had too much faith in Motorola coming out with the 1GHz chip. Dual 733 was pretty close though...we ended up with dual 800s.

The iMac prediction was damn close. TiBooks are shipping a "Free" external CDRW drive...oh well.

OSX 10.0.5 was wrong...sorta. 10.1 was announced but we can't have it till september? I wonder if there will be any updates between now and then. I'm betting that the changes in 10.1 are huge, so little updates will be released to get OSX 10.0.4 "preped" for the big update.

Then again, I have no idea :)
There can't be any updates until 10.1, because otherwise they would have announced them... especially since nobody wants to wait, and now (almost) everybody thinks this keynote was a total loss. Steve would have been smart enough to announce smaller updates if there were going to be any. It would do Apple a lot of good to have had an 10.0.5 to release today. Maybe they will slap an update together, now that everybody's complaining.