MacWorld Announcements

machine park was meant as a noun. ;) ... sorry, have to change that. it's a Germanism... What I meant was that _all_ Mac product lines are planned to be intel at the end of 2006.
mdnky said:
No S-Video either, a shorter slightly wider screen (last G4 model was 3:2 [1.5:1], MacBook Pro is 16:10 [1.6:1]), haven't seen anything stating a battery life either.

Yeah, I was looking for some figures but they're not throwing any numbers in the air yet. Strange, but exciting.
I'm not sure, there was no talk about it. Did it include a full version of Quicken? And is that software interesting for non-US customers, too?
MacBook Pro comes with an incredible bundle of Universal applications that run on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macs:

• iLife ’06
• iWork ’06 Trial
• Front Row
• Photo Booth
• Comic Life
• OmniOutliner
MacBook Pro also includes these applications:

• FileMaker Pro Trial
• QuickBooks for Mac New User Edition
• Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive
So I guess no Quicken
The software set of iMac/PowerBooks often wasn't exactly the same. (For example, AppleWorks was included with iMacs but not PowerBooks...) So this is certainly no definite answer.