* mail aliases with sendmail/qpopper


I'm running my Mac os x iMac as an almost full featured web-server, php, mysql, apache, ftp, mailserver, popserver, irc proxy, shh. It all works just fine. I do however would like to have * mail aliases instead of just the few which automatically came along with the users on my system and the ones I created just for mail purpose. And when possible I want to be able to receive all mail at once instead of having to log in for each alias.
For instance:
Mail for: firefly, bouwe, rens, ***... Should be delivered on one account. Or all mail to one account would be even better.

I’m running:
Sendmail and qpopper (4)

Anyone done this before or knows how to do the trick?
Standard mail aliases are handled by NetInfo. You could also use the "niload" command if you have a text file of accounts and aliases.

1. Open Netinfo Manager up.
2. Authenticate (click the little lock icon).
3. Go to / aliases
4. With aliases highlighted, choose "New Subdirectory" from the "Directory" menu
5. Double-click on "new_directory" across from "name" and change it to one of your account names (ie FireFly).
6. Choose "New Property" from the "Domain" menu
7. Change the property name to "members" and the value to the account you want the e-mail forwarded to (ie your account name).
8. Click on "localhost" (or any other entry so it knows you're done there)
9. It'll ask you to save, then update. Say yes to both.
9a. Repeat for each account.
10. Quit NetInfo Manager.

(much of this was copied from an earlier post regarding hostnames)

Hope this helps.
Yep tnx it works.

There is just one more thing. This is probably either impossible/very difficult or just plain simple. I would like all mail to the server redirected to one account. E-mail for thisisfun@myhost.com or iwannatype@myhost.com should be accepted and I should be able to receive all mails with one login.

I know it is possible, my windows server does just that using the * as an alias. (winroute). I think sendmail is spoiling my party, but I’m not for sure. Using an * did not work on mac os x.

Anyone got a clue?