Mail App Problem : duplicate emails


I been using Apple's Mail application for some time now and I just started to have a problem. I upgraded to 10.2.4 when it came out, but the problem just surfaced a week ago, so I'm not sure they're related.

On a regular basis, but not all the time, the three email accounts I check with Mail receive messages in duplicate. If I delete or move the message into another folder the duplicates disappear. The three email accounts are with different domains so the problem seems to be with Mail and not the email servers.

The counter in the Mail icon in the dock shows the correct number of emails (does not count the duplicates).

I changed the preference for the time when the email message is removed from the server, but this did not solve the problem.

Any advice out there?

Last month I started receiving some of my older mails. They were just coming back, one or two weeks after their first delivery.

All I had to do was to flush them all off the Wanadoo (ISP) server.
Go to Mail's Preferences. Click on accounts. Click on the Advanced tab. Make sure that the program is deleting the messages off the server after it downloads them to your computer.
