MAIL Attachments


I have an mpeg file that is 1meg in size and can't get mail to send it©
I received it fine©
Its not my ISP ¥COX©net¤©
Anyone have any ideas on how this can be fixed?
Does it just hang and sit there for a long time?
Do you get an error message? Mind posting it?

If the computer just seems to be hanging without getting an error message, press CMD+0 (zero) to open the activity viewer and let us know what that says it is doing.
How big attachments does the email account that you try to use, allow you to send? Sometimes some of them have really small allowances, like 1-2 MB.
Do you get any error message?
Also remember that your upstream bandwith is a fraction of your down stream bandwidth. It could take you 10 minutes to send something that big depending on how bad your upstream connection is.
When I click send in Apple Mail with a 900K or 1©5Meg attachment I get a message saying that the smtp©west©cox©net server could not deliver the mail©
My ISP allows 5Meg attachements©
And I'm running on cable©
I am having exactly the same problem with mail. This file is only 200k and returns saying my btopenworld server could not send it 'null'. Activity viewer says 'sending data 100%' but does not send. HELP