Mail client

Cow Loon

What mail client do you recommend? I read bad things about but haven't actually tried it yet. I haven't figured out how to disable Javascript in outlook express, so I don't think I can use it (for fear of viruses).

I have to be able to send email as though it originates from one of four different email addresses. I should be able to filter the mail based on various headers. Also, I should be able to export the email into some non-proprietary format, e.g. unix mailbox.
Not a whole lot of choices. has never worked with my imap account. It will take forerver to load anything.

I use Netscape Messenger running in Classic mode . Fizilla is slow too, even with 0.9.1.

Good luck.

cow loon, don't believe the anti-hype... ;) is a good program, and it can do all of the things you mentioned... you ought to give it a try... is a good program

True. I'm currently using with no problems. I currenly have over 2000 unread messages in it (plus at least that many read ones), spread across 7 accounts. It's occasionally sluggish when switching mailboxes, but that's the worst I could say about it.
Originally posted by endian

True. I'm currently using with no problems. I currenly have over 2000 unread messages in it (plus at least that many read ones), spread across 7 accounts. It's occasionally sluggish when switching mailboxes, but that's the worst I could say about it.

2 questions please:

You did not mention if you use any IMAP account ?
Is your OSX upgraded from 10.0.0 to 10.0.3 ? Because mine was. I don't think it makes any differences if you have 10.0.3 installed or 10.0.3 upgraded from 10.0.0 . Just curious.

I both love and hate For me I specifically hated the IMAP implementation. When connecting to a UNIX IMAP mail server it would recursively navigate my home directory creating mailboxes out of every file in my account. This obviously took a long time and was annoying.
I tried Mozilla (buggy and slow), Eudora (very buggy) and ICEMail (stable but slow and ugly).
I tried again and pulled the mail from the IMAP server using the POP3 protocol (most IMAP servers support the POP3 protocol as well). Since then I have been happy with except for 2 problems (mail wouldn't start) with my account (config became corrupted and I had to disable that account).

Give it a try. If it seems slow turn off auto-spell checker. That thing is a beast.
Originally posted by endian

I currenly have over 2000 unread messages in it (plus at least that many read ones), spread across 7 accounts.

just out of curiosity, endian: why do you have 2000 unread messages? don't you read your mail? just seems a little strange to me ... i like to read my mail as soon as i get it ... ;)
You did not mention if you use any IMAP account ?
I have 3 IMAP accounts, but no 'generic' ones.
Is your OSX upgraded from 10.0.0 to 10.0.3 ? Because mine was. I don't think it makes any differences if you have 10.0.3 installed or 10.0.3 upgraded from 10.0.0 . Just curious.
yep, using 10.0.3 4P13, upgraded sequentially through all the versions.
just out of curiosity, endian: why do you have 2000 unread messages? don't you read your mail? just seems a little strange to me ... i like to read my mail as soon as i get it ...

Yeah, I read it; the real mail anyway :). Most of it's either spam, or I subscribe to both the digest and regular versions of a few mailing lists (regular to read & reply to, digest to archive). So if I get lazy for a few days, that's what I end up with. Besides, I'm kinda curious if Mail's counter goes to 5 digits ;)
It does support 5 digits... ;-)

When hooked up to the UNIX IMAP server it pulled over a ton of junk as messages. I think I had 36,000. Try and top that.
Originally posted by bcd2
I both love and hate For me I specifically hated the IMAP implementation. When connecting to a UNIX IMAP mail server it would recursively navigate my home directory creating mailboxes out of every file in my account. This obviously took a long time and was annoying.
I tried Mozilla (buggy and slow), Eudora (very buggy) and ICEMail (stable but slow and ugly).
I tried again and pulled the mail from the IMAP server using the POP3 protocol (most IMAP servers support the POP3 protocol as well). Since then I have been happy with except for 2 problems (mail wouldn't start) with my account (config became corrupted and I had to disable that account).

Give it a try. If it seems slow turn off auto-spell checker. That thing is a beast.

I'm glad finally someone agreed with me :-) Why on earth pulls all the files in my home dir? It does not let one subscribe to any needed folders like Messenger does. That's how it supposes to work.

Your suggestion will defeat the purpose of having an IMAP account, which allows you to read your message anywhere you go. If you use POP, all your messages will be downloaded from the machine that you connecting from. Next time when you in front of a different machine, you can't see those old messages anymore :-(

For POP account only, works fine.
I'll stick with Messenger in Classic mode for now.

I leave them the messages on the server by not deleting them from the server (under account advanced options). Not as good as IMAP but good enough for now. You are exactly right about folders. Even OE can do this.