Mail problem.... PLZ help!


Unemployed Student!
My friend recently installed(not updated) Mac OS 10.1.0 over Mac OS 10.04 (I think)
Back on 10.04 , he was having a problem with mail, the application would unexpectedly quit whenever he'd move a message from the trash to the inbox, and some messages in other boxes were unreadable (blank).

Now, in 10.1.0 , everything was fine at the beginning.. he started using Itools and then, mail would send infinite copies of messages if he didn't stop it.
I don't really think it has a link with Itools, Idisk more precisely..
I am wondering if the *update* from 10.04 to 10.1.0 would have kept the Mail application bugging, anyone knows? He's on 56k modem btw

Should he reinstall 10.1 completely after a clean formatting?

Thanks for helping!!
sorry if I didnt update this post..

I think he resolved his problem, he had deleted his outbox! sigh... :rolleyes: