I do internet tech support and a lady called in with a problem today that has me kind of perplexed. She has 10.2.4 and is when she is trying to compose a message to a certain person and starts to type in the name of the person it comes up with the name and e-mail address, but it does so very strangely. (For example, John Doe (john@doe.com) is how it is displayed.) From my testing if it's displayed with parantheses it means that the e-mail address is first and name is second, which clearly isn't the case here. We went through her whole address book and everything and couldn't find anything that was improperly setup.
Trashed the mail and address book preferences and then rebooted. We removed the person completely from the address book and deleted any e-mail to or from him. Went to compose, and again it did the same thing. We added him back to the address book, and now when she opens compose it comes up with John Doe (john@doe.com) and then below it the correct way John Doe <john@doe.com> If she sends to the one with <> it works fine, but if she sends to the one with () it doesn't work because it believes the e-mail address is John Doe and not john@doe.com
Anyone have any ideas how you can get it to not display the one with ()? I know you can turn off the autocomplete, but that's not an option here.
Trashed the mail and address book preferences and then rebooted. We removed the person completely from the address book and deleted any e-mail to or from him. Went to compose, and again it did the same thing. We added him back to the address book, and now when she opens compose it comes up with John Doe (john@doe.com) and then below it the correct way John Doe <john@doe.com> If she sends to the one with <> it works fine, but if she sends to the one with () it doesn't work because it believes the e-mail address is John Doe and not john@doe.com
Anyone have any ideas how you can get it to not display the one with ()? I know you can turn off the autocomplete, but that's not an option here.