Mail program won't quit


I have a problem with mail. Whenever I choose to "Quit" mail, the program acts as if it is shutting down, however in the dock it indicates the program is still running. If I try to "Quit" again nothing changes. Eventually I have to "Force Quit". If I repair permissions, the next time I open mail it will quit just fine, but the second time I open, it will be up to it's old tricks.

I am using a plug-in that allows me to receive Hotmail, but I don't know if that would cause this problem.

Any help...?

Thanks, as always.
I have the same problem, not all the time though.

Here's what I do when it happens, maybe someone will get a clue?

I go to, and when I vote for the survey (in Safari), a new window opens, saying thanks for voting, and Mail opens, and a new blank message window, with no subject, appears... Then I cannot quit, I tried command-q, Quit in the menu, etc, the only way I can quit doing a Force Quit...
I found a page one time that hijacked my browser and wouldn't let me do a lot of stuff, including close the window or quit, but I've only seen it once in 8 years of 'Net use.

Habrock, try all ways of quitting you can: Cmd-Q, selecting Quit from the menu, control/right-clicking on the icon, using top + kill, and anything else you may think of (besides force quit).

Yup, I've tried them all! Only Force Quit will shut it down. Don't know what else to do.

Thanks for the suggestions anyway,
Okay, I use httpmail to get my Hotmail. It ends up that everytime you get Hotmail in OS X Mail, it synchronizes every folder you created on-line and I had created about 20 on-line folders.

The times it wouldn't quit immediately was when I hit get mail before hitting quit. It was taking time to synchronize every folder. I found that if I hit quit and then waited until it was finished synchronizing it would eventually shut down.

I finally just deleted the on-line folders and it is no longer an issue.

Thanks for all the help guys.
