mail programme doesn't get mail


Hi there,
I have a problem getting emails into my mail programme on my Macbook Pro.
I have 4 accounts, 3 of which work fine, and the fourth one just stopped getting my mail in.
I checked all the settings and connection doctor, and all seems ok, just the mail (that is in my account!) doesn't come in any more. The round wheel runs round when trying to get mail in and just stops as if there wasn't any to be got - but I went to my email account (on and there is mail. This has been going on for a few days now.
Thanks for your help.
Personally, I've had nothing but trouble with Mail. Finally gave up and downloaded Thunderbird. Installs quickly, configures easily, and it WORKS!
Is this email server POP or IMAP? Plus what version of OS X are you running?

I ask because an answer will differ between Mail versions (in the version of OS X).