mail reply crashes mail app in tiger


I installed tiger on my 17-inch 1.2 Ghz powerbook, clean install, transferred my account, mail, files, apps from a sync-ed external drive onto the newly installed tiger notebook.

I'm battling with mail. It imported / upgraded all my email correctly. I can send and receive mail no problem. However, as soon as I do a "reply" on received email and I hit "send", then the mail app crashes with the message stuck in the outbox. Sometimes if I edit the message (truncate the bottom, retype the address and topic lines) then the messages goes through. Seems the only way to work with it now is to use "forward" and retype the to and cc fields. In addition, I have to close airport and delete the problematic email in the outbox to get the mail app not to crash at startup.

My mail server is a MacosX 10.3 G5 server running macosx Server and Apple's standard email software, set up to talk to a different port than 25 (since we run the EMP spam filter on the same sever). I have two accounts set up - a corporate and .mac account. Enabling or disabling either does not alter the behaviour.

Anybody else battling with this or any ideas ?
Never seen this problem. My hunch would've been to try with only .mac enabled (and answering a message that you get to that account), but you seem to have already tried that...

Just to confirm whether it's the system installation or the user account: Create a test user account, set up some mail account (preferrably _not_ your Mac OS X Server machine) and send and receive messages and reply to them. Then at least you'll know what's to fix (system installation or prefs).