Mail Reply to All


I'm not sure if this is a switcher question, exactly, since Thunderbird on Windows does the same thing, but I'm so new to Mac that it may qualify anyway.

In Mail, replying to all *literally* replies to all recipients - including me. Since I'm sending the reply, I don't particularly need a copy for myself. Is there any way to change this, ahem, feature? I didn't care for it in Thunderbird and I don't care for it in Mail so I'd love to be able to disable that option, but I can't find any way to do so.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


Rob Wilkerson
Go to Mail>Preferences...>Composing and make sure that you have unchecked "Automatically (Cc:) myself.
Quit Mail, Open Address Book, and click on the card with your name, then select Card>Make This My Card. If that selection is grayed out, add a new card, make it "My Card" and delete the old "My Card."

If none of that proves helpful, go to Mail>Window>Previous Recipients and remove your address if it is on that list.
I do see this behaviour - and it's intended that way. You'll have to remove your address from the field(s) manually...
If the mail sent to you has been sent to an address that forwards to your actual address, Mail may not know to prune your forwarding address from the list of CC recipients. Do you have any addresses forwarding to other addresses?
I don't. Based on fryke's response, the behavior I'm seeing is just the way it is and there's no user-option to change that.
I only ask because I've been using Mail for five years or more and have never encountered this problem. I think that bobw's line of inquiry was correct, and that there is some configuration problem that's keeping Mail from understanding your address. It should not be including you on "Reply to all"; it should be following the default behavior of any mail application, which is to exclude the sender's address when replying to all recipients.
That makes sense, of course (which is why I asked the question), but I've had no luck finding it. You did trigger a thought, though. I have multiple work email addresses, but only one listed in my card. I'll add them all and see whether that helps.
That just might have done the trick. I'll have to confirm later (when my office mail server comes back online), but initial indications are good. Thanks for setting me in the right direction.
Oh. So it's only us multi-address users that have this "problem", then... Okay. So I have to add *ALL* my E-Mail addresses to my Address Book's card? Bleh...

Just confirmed it. And it's kinda clear, of course, as well. I just never really thought about this...
The problem is that there is know way for mail to know who you are otherwise. If you think about it in general you cannot tell the difference from an email you received via a TO, CC, or BCC. Which address should be included under "reply all"?
That is indeed why I have about seven email accounts listed on my address card at this point. Somehow they've been piling up.