Mail Server features ?

Forget it. The mail server bulit into OSX server is actually worse than the one in ASIP. I'm not going into it as it winds me up. Do yourself a favour and get either Tenons iTools or Communigate Pro (which I consider to be the greatest email server created).
"Forget it. The mail server bulit into OSX server is actually worse than the one in ASIP. I'm not going into it."

I just got the new OS X Server and have been unable to get mail functioning properly yet. Perhaps if you explain your problems with it someone can help and if your problems end up being in line with mine it could assist me too. I understand frustrations with Mac OS Server at times but I think illustrating to us your problems may help instead of just advising that we forget about using it. Thanks.

My main frustration is not being able to assign account names linger than 8 characters without going into the netinfo control panel. Even after that the app only uses the first 8 characters anyway. So if the account is not unique by then it won't work. It also has a very poor feature set with little customisation and no webmail. Multiple domain support and customisation is poor. In the end I thought, why take up all my time hitting brick walls, bought stalker communigate pro and had what I wanted set up in less than 3 hours (including hand entry of 100 accounts). I've not looked back yet.

Why buy CommuniGatePro or Tennon iTools?


Postfix compiles very well over and over on Mac Os X Server 10 even on old Rhapsody version, and supports virtualhost, everything one would require. Postfix is an enterprise UNIX free open-source mail server derived from sendmail. Some people may still consider communigate or itools because Postfix requires extensive knowledge in UNIX and NON-GUI part of the Mac Os X and BSD. But if you want to learn just for the hell of it or if you are UNIX person, then why not give postfix a try rather than paying more money for communigate? ;-)
I'm not sure why iTools from Tenon is recommended as a mail server improvement - it's just a WEB based front-end ( and a very good one too! ) for using Apache and DNS on an OSX box.
Tenon's mail server is NetTen, and it only runs on Mac OS 7.x+.
The Sendmail version that comes w/ OSX can be configured using Webmin ( <> ) though, along w/ Apache, DNS, and other included Unix services.
Originally posted by tsmith
My main frustration is not being able to assign account names linger than 8 characters without going into the netinfo control panel. Even after that the app only uses the first 8 characters anyway. So if the account is not unique by then it won't work. It also has a very poor feature set with little customisation and no webmail. Multiple domain support and customisation is poor. In the end I thought, why take up all my time hitting brick walls, bought stalker communigate pro and had what I wanted set up in less than 3 hours (including hand entry of 100 accounts). I've not looked back yet.


In the Users & Groups list you have a long name and a short name,

Mail is delivered to either name! So long names can be entered in the long name field of the user. This however limits the use of Fist name Last name with a space between... But it does work well.

We set up our clients servers with the full email name as the long username and the short name we use for the file sharing login name, i.e. the users first name etc.