Mail Showing Question Marks After Migrating User


I've read a lot of different posts on the question mark issue but this one is different. I migrated a user account to a new one (created new account, made this one administrator, moved folder contents, removed old account). When the Mail application runs, the html in the emails shows as lots of question marks inside boxes - some are black (not links) and the links within are blue question marks - these load the link.

I have checked Preferences and it's set to load remote content...I also notice this in Safari in some of the posts I was reading about this, some of the content shows as question marks inside boxes.

I am wondering if the user profile is in some way corrupt...not sure what to try at this point.

I can post what I need to, just let me know.

The unit is a Macbook Pro 7,1 mid 2010 with OSx Sierra; Filevault has just been activated, but the problem started before that.
Are the question marks in a little box at a location on Safari where a video or image should be? Like the radar on the weather page, or a video link from a news station?

It could very well be that Flash Player plug in needs updating.
Thank you for the input, it wasn't those types of issues which I checked first. I got past this by creating a new user and migrating the user data, and everything looks good now user the new account.

Thank you, thread can be closed.