Mail - signature image

dr fletch

Mac OS 10.4.8 MacBook Pro
Mail app.

This could be stupidly simple but I haven't found a way to change the image that gets sent with every e-mail I send. You know, the one in the top right hand corner of the e-mail header.

And how does one create different images for different accounts? It only appears on my .mac account.

It's simply the icon used in your Mac account settings, I believe. Plus I think it's not really sent with any mails, but rather connected to iChat somehow. I'm not sure though. It's been bothering me for a while that its control is not transparent. I mean: If you're in a funny mood and put some pic there that's not appropriate for some and then send an E-Mail message to a business contact... Does it show? ;)
That's what I though Fryke, but the pic in my .mac account settings is different. That IS the one for iChat. This is an old pic that I can't locate.