Mail Signatures not reaching recipient


I recently upgraded to Leopard. My boss just informed me that my email signature does not show up when he receives mail from me. When I BCC myself, the signature is there. I have done a short experiment with my friends and about 50% don't see my signature. Help!
Is it text only or does it contain graphics etc? Some mail clients (or mail clients with some settings) don't like showing graphics - so it may be if it's an image that isn't showing it is how their recipients mail is set up.
Go to /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Signatures/ and make sure the same number of entries is the same number of signatures in Mail in the 'All Signatures' window. Then move the file (still in the Signature folder) SignaturesByAccount.plist to the desktop or replace that file with a time Machine backup from a month before. The reopen Mail and see if Mail Signatures reappear in your Mail Preferences Signatures Window.

If things look screwed up after the move you can just put that original file back.
Yea I just came across the problem again and thought I should post a solution since several blogs link to this thread.