Mail - Smarter SmartBox's


I am using Mail to access all of my email accounts.

I get a lot of emails for work (about 10-20 per day), and each email has multiple subjects.

I am currently using smart folders to push the mail to each folder depending on what is in the email (for example if it has subject 1, then go to subject 1 folder --- if it has subject 2, then go to subject 2 folder). That is the easy part.

Because each email has many subjects, i want to make it easier to find what I am looking for. Therefore I want to make the smart folders highlight the subject. For example, if the smartfolder grabs all emails that contain the word subject
Little bit confused, but I'm guessing you want to put in more then one rule into the smart folder?

When you create a smart folder you select one rule for it to obey to. But if you want extra rules there is the + button to make extra rules. But remember, above you will see a drop down menu, it will have 'all', so drop down the menu and select 'any'

This may be what you want if I understand your question right, :)