Mail: Why can't I do this anymore??


I Used to be able to set up multiple email accounts in Mail from the Same domain. Now, whenever I try, I get the following message when trying to save the settings:

The account path /Users/greghyde/Library/Mail/ is already being used by the account “BuyGone”

You see, BuyGone is One of my Covad accounts. I get the above message EVEN THOUGH I'm trying to set up an accound under a DIFFERENT username.

This Really Sucks... :mad:
or move that "" out of the directory and let create new one and you can import "" from other directory..
I'm not sure what is meant by the above suggestions. I -Did- delete the folder, however.

Maybe this will help:
I Also used to be able to setup more than one email account from the same domain, but now Mail FREAKS when I try the same. Desite different usernames, Mail seems to think that more than one Covad is one Covad too many.

Also, is Mail supposed to be asking for my password (for the keychain) every few minutes?

I just tried adding back one of my email account, and here's what I got:

The account path /Users/greghyde/Library/Mail/ is already being used by the account “BuyGone”

This makes NO sense since the word greghyde IS NOT being used in conjunction with BuyGone, in Any way, shape or form.