I Used to be able to set up multiple email accounts in Mail from the Same domain. Now, whenever I try, I get the following message when trying to save the settings:
The account path /Users/greghyde/Library/Mail/POP-greghyde@pop3.covad.net is already being used by the account BuyGone
You see, BuyGone is One of my Covad accounts. I get the above message EVEN THOUGH I'm trying to set up an accound under a DIFFERENT username.
This Really Sucks...
The account path /Users/greghyde/Library/Mail/POP-greghyde@pop3.covad.net is already being used by the account BuyGone
You see, BuyGone is One of my Covad accounts. I get the above message EVEN THOUGH I'm trying to set up an accound under a DIFFERENT username.
This Really Sucks...