Maintaining a Permanent Windows Fileshare Connection for iTunes?


Hi All,

I'm running 7B85 and new to OSX in general. I have all of my music stored on a Windows based fileserver and notice that every time I reboot my G5, I can no longer access my iTunes library. I do not want to copy the files to my library because I like having a central location for all my music.

Is there a way in OSX to make a persistant drive connection to a Windows share like you can in Windows XP? That way when I reboot my G5 I don't have to jump through hoops to access my collection again.

Thanks :)
Are you just mounting the drive through the finder? If so, open System Preferences -> Login Items (I'm using 10.2, so this might be slightly different) and drag the icon of the drive with your music on it to the window. Now whenever you login the drive should mount automatically.