Major Jaguar Install Problem


I went to install Jaguar on my powerbook wallstreet G3 266. I have 10.1.5 installed without a problem. I have four partitions one for OSX, OS9, Swap and one called Free.
I started with the install Cd and did an upgrade. It told me at first it would take 5 hours to install and then went down to an hour. 30 min in a very strange thing happened. The dialog box with the install thermometer faded out over a minute to the background color and the screen was blank. Since I was doing other things when this happened I did not know what to do. The disk was still spinning so I let go for about 20 min. Then I pulled the plug. I could not boot the machine in OS9 or OS10.

I then started over and ran disk first aid on all the partitions. This time I did a custom and eliminated all the language stuff. It said it would take and hour. When it got to 20 min left the same thing happened. Instead this time it faded into a diamond shaped pattern.

Anybody have a clue? How can I force it to boot into OS9? That partition should not have been touched.
I found this link on the net, but I can't find the article on mac fixit.

MacFixIt: Troubleshooting for Mac OS X and OS 9
... Several readers have reported problems installing Jaguar ... with a proper 'Select Destination'
screen at that stage in the 10.2 ... The installer stays blank with no ...

I think this is my problem.
I am trying for a third time. I am doing a clean install. I have 29 minutes to go. I hope I make it.

With 20 minutes to go again screen went black with two vertical blue bars on the right side. This is the third different screen I have gotten. HELP HELP HELP

Just a guess. Do you have Sufficient hard drive space? Apple recommends 3GB of open space. So unless you have replaced your hard drive I would guess that you have divided up your drive so that there is not 3GBs open in one spot. Or the open space may be so fragmented that it has problems.

Peace and Grace
I know it sounds stupid, and I have no strong evidence, but I had all sorts of trouble on my Wall Street 233, and when I went for UFS it went supa smooth.

I also did some cleaning, beating, plugging and unplugging, yelling at and threatening at the same time I did the switch to UFS ... but of those I think UFS is the most likely to be able to verify if that helps. Try it. If your other partitions are HFS, you probably won't care either way.
I have exactly the same problem and have seen some more messages about this "wallstreet problem" but no solution yet. It only seems to happen with the Powerbook G3 233Mhz

I upgraded to a 20Gb harddrive and 512Mb RAM

I'll try the UFS trick and will report back.
I should have plenty of disk space. I have a 5 gig partition for OSX. When it started the install it said there was plenty of space. I tried to install over the 10.1.5 space. Out of frustration I erased the OSX parition and that did not help. I will try the ufs trick and report back. This will my fifth attempt

I was thinking, maybe it has something to do with the pb falling to sleep. So right now i am trying again while keeping the cursor in motion so now and then to prevent the pb from getting into sleep mode. We'll see
I thought the same thing except in my case the screen does not blank out. Here is what happened with 20 min to go in the four installs I did:

1. Dialog Instal box fades to background color.
2. Dialog box fades to a large diamond object on the screen.
3. Screen turned black with two half and one inch blue veritical bars on the left side.
4. See 1.

You might be on to something, so I too will give it a try.

Okay, this seems to work!

I downgraded my pb to 128 Mb RAM and now things seem to go the way they should.

So it seems that the 256 Mb S0-dimms don't work with 10.2 ... OR ... they don't work with the installer. We still have to find out about that.
Okay, to me it is totally clear:

The jaguar installer doesn't work when you have 512 Mb RAM installed but it does work with only 128 Mb RAM (1 S0_DIMM). Right now my installer just finished. so the next step is to see if it reboots with 512Mb RAM.
Everything works for me. I only have to find out about the memory issue but that hasn't my 1st priority. i hope you understand.

My 233 G3 laptop has 384 M RAM and it only took me six tries to install. I think the problem is going to be one of thread intertwining and timing. It's not good, but I think the installer is a fragile and freaky version of the OS.

I had 384 the whole time, and what seemed to fix it for me was jiggling the CD drive, and switching to UFS. I think the actual problem here is voodoo and lunar phase. If it doesn't work, sacrifice a chicken and try again. Seriously, after I get it to install correctly, it's supa solid. I love it. But good friggin' luck installing it on the minimum machine. Gonna do my 'rents 233MHz iMac tomorrow. Wish me luck. :)
OK here is the latest. I finally got Apple on the line. Their offical position on the issure is that Jaguar will not support some third party hardware such as the 20 Gig IBM travelstar hardrive I installed of the the two 256 Meg memory chips I installed. They are sure if I put the original 64 Megs back in along with the 4 Gig orig drive I will not have a problem.
When I mentioned that all of this worked in 10.1.5, they did not have any comment only that the techinal rep they talke too said it will not support certain 3rd party upgrades including memory, hardrives, processor upgrades ,etc that did not come with the original machine.

I disappointed

That is interesting. However I noticed in the Install readme that it said it would not work on the early G3 PowerBooks(Wallstreet). Or did I miss read that or have your model confused.
The first g3 powerbooks were code named Kanga. They had a more restrictive configuration than there Wallstreet brothers that came out a few months later. It these orig G3 powerbooks that are not supported by Jaguar. Mine the wallstreet is supported but obiviously not with non Apple hardware upgrades. Now I know why Apple memory costs more than 3rd party.
