Make a folder invisible?


Flaccid Member
Anyone know of a way to make a folder invisible? Id like to hide the Desktop and Library folders on one of my partitions and was wondering if this was possible.
If it's on the root of your boot disk (/), you can hide it from the Finder by adding it to /.hidden.

If you have the Developer Tools, you can change it's Finder flag to make it invisible.

You can rename the folder from folder to .foldername to make it invisible to the Finder.

Or there is a GUI application that sounds like it can do what you desire called Apimac Secret Folder X:
To make the Desktop folder in your home directory invisible, type this command in the Terminal:

sudo mv Desktop .Desktop

It's impossible for the Library directory, though, because it's used by the system. It would get all messed up if you changed its name.
What if it's not in my home directory, just another partition? Id like to hide the Desktop, Temporary Items and Library folders for this partition.

Thanks for the help. So quick too!
The easiest way will be just typing mv and a space in the Terminal and then drag the directory you want to hide to the Terminal window. The whole path for the directory will be copied to the window. Then make another space and drag the directory to the window again, and add a dot just before the name of the directory.
But as I said, not a good idea if the directory is used by the system ;)
Check out this thread, too, lots of nice info :)
Its a much better idea to just add the invisible flag to the file if you are on HFS+, as moving the directory to a unix style hidden dir will break things if its even remotely used by the system.

% /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V mydir

Asuming you have the developer tools installed