Make command?


I have installed the 10.1 dev tools and unable to use the "make" command in order to install software like Postfix. It installed "cc" which allows me to "./configure" but not "make" any installs. Am I missing something? Can anyone shead some light on this?

I'm wondering the same thing, i'm trying to install bitchx without any luck. I need my bitchx! :confused:
I found it in a thread at the Apple forums...

Make is there but you have to invoke it using...


It would be nice if Apple posted all the command changes somewhere.
Originally posted by bladedog
I found it in a thread at the Apple forums...

Make is there but you have to invoke it using...


It would be nice if Apple posted all the command changes somewhere.

you can make a symlink from gnumake to make

ln -s /usr/bin/gnumake /usr/bin/make
or just add

alias make gnumake

to your .tcshrc file, or some other file that gets run every time you get a new terminal window
Originally posted by scruffy
or just add

alias make gnumake

to your .tcshrc file, or some other file that gets run every time you get a new terminal window

sure, but if you have a multi user system, its easier to not make the
user think about it...

sorry, its the sysadmin in me...
the alias is already there ...

I have been "make-ing" all week.

anyway, the docs are in

in html format.

it would be a good idea to get familiar with those folders.

if you are planning to use "make" that is.

Thanks everyone...all of your suggestions are appreciated. When I invoked the Make command I received an error that the program did not exist. I did a quick search and found nothing which, in turn, spawned my thread. I found "gnumake" in the forums and that seemed to work. Upon my computer restarting once between then and now it seems that "make" is back in action.

Thanks again!