Make Google Chrome Even Faster - Is There an App/Add-on for That?


Mac Convert for Life
I was browsing (I think it was) a few days ago and I THOUGHT I saw something that said "make Google Chrome faster"... but now I can't find it. Is there such an app or a Chrome add-on to speed up webpage rendering - kinda like Fasterfox add-on for Firefox? Or is that type of thing not recommend? I am new to Google Chrome, so I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance. :)
BUT.......according to all the benchmark test results that I've read, Chrome scores way higher than Chromium. I will still check it out though. Thanks! :)
Do you REALLY feel that Chrome is slow, or is it simply that you thought you SAW that some app claimed it would make it faster that you now seem to require such a gem? ;) Personally, I haven't found a browsing experience to be slow in the past few years (years!) unless it was slow because of the internet connectivity at the time.
Okay, Fryke, ya got me. I will admit - it's the second one. :o

Honestly? Google Chrome is lightning fast. Guess I was just being greedy. :p ;)