I keep my photos on a firewire disk; it became disconnected and now iPhoto says there are 0 pictures in the Library, but it is not checking the firewire disk. I have tried the following to get iPhoto to open the Find window or to use the firewire disk. ( I did use Disk Utility to check the disk - it did need a change for mounting). I have removed the iPhoto Library that was in user/Pictures. I have restored the Preferences file in both user/Library and Library from a back-up. The Finder search discovers no iPhoto Library file on the built-in hard drive, but does find the one on the firewire drive, but iPhoto starts up, says the iPhoto Library contains 0 pictures, and does not allow me to tell it to look elsewhere. (The preferences com.apple.iPhoto.plist refer to the proper volume and file, but it isn't checking there; I get the same results it the firewire drive isn't connected. What can I do to get iPhoto to look in the right place?
Dick W.
Dick W.