Make iPhoto stop using new "rolls" on every import of pictures


The Lone Deranger
How do I get iPhoto to just make one "Roll" or one big folder for all of the iPhoto pictures? It gets really annoying when I have to search thru every "roll" when I want to find a picture.

I hope you understand, thanks!
No, I wanted in the FINDER window, ...
that iPhoto DID NOT use the "rolls" system and only used one big folder to store ALL pictures that are imported
thanks ;)
click on the library roll, then go up to view and select how you would like your photos sorted. Sorted by roll is one option, but you can also choose by date, name, etc.

Be aware, that you have to choose some system for sorting, but it doesn't have to be via roll.
You mean, in the actual iPhoto photo file, you want all the files in one directory? You can't do this, and if you try, you'll cause some bad things to happen. Ignore that iPhoto folder, you can export all your photos to one big folder with the export command if that's what you're after..
Eric is right -- stay out of the iPhoto library in finder -- you will create havoc -- forget it is there and do all your photo work from within the app.

Now, if you want to combine rolls within iPhot app, all you have to do is to drag the photos from roll to roll. You can then rename your roll to more accurately describe what is in it (lower left pane). That should help you find your photos. From there, you can create folders (maybe "vacations" and albums (maybe "Rome 2005", "France 2006", etc.) to further organize your photos.

Just stay out of finder -- trust me, been there, done that, not a pretty picture (no pun intended)!
I may have misunderstood and will reiterate what has been said above: stay out of iphoto's finder folder structure. You will either get pissed off or create an ungodly mess. Actually, you will likely accomplish both.

You will really need to use another photo management program if you want to control individual photos at the finder level.
No, I wanted in the FINDER window, ...
that iPhoto DID NOT use the "rolls" system and only used one big folder to store ALL pictures that are imported
thanks ;)

If it's just a matter of organizing your photos the way you want them organized, and you don't need to use iPhoto's other features, then consider using the Finder to put all your photos into one folder and use GraphicConverter to organize and display them. GraphicConverter is also handy for reorganizing, renaming, adding an index number to groups of photos to put them in order and sorting them. It also has a slideshow feature for displaying them. GraphicConverter doesn't have a Library so there is no single list of all photos. Instead, I keep a record of all my indexed photos on a spreadsheet. It's more work, but after I have filled a CD with photos I print out the photo list for that CD.
You mean, in the actual iPhoto photo file, you want all the files in one directory? You can't do this, and if you try, you'll cause some bad things to happen. Ignore that iPhoto folder, you can export all your photos to one big folder with the export command if that's what you're after..
Yea, that's IS exactly what I meant...
Thanks for the warning.