Make the Hard Drive Stop!


I'm running X.2 and I'm trying to find a way of making the hard drive stop spinning. I would rather do this at night then put my computer to sleep, for various reasons. But it seems that no matter what I do, the hard drive spins down and then periodically spins up again every 20 minutes or so. Turning on the 'spin down hard drive' option in Energy Saver doesn't work--It shuts down, and then starts spinning again after a little while.

I've been searching for a utility that will do this, but so far I haven't found anything.

Any suggestions?
I have a feeling this is related to the UNIX optimization routines that Mac OS X runs during the middle of the night.... can anybody point pingsmoth in the right direction as to how to reprogram when these hard disk optimizations happen?
CronniX will let you edit the system (root's) crontab. You can get it here:

To change when the system runs its optimization routines, choose File>Open System Crontab. Enter your adminstrator password and then change the values to something similar to what is pictured here:


  • cronnix.jpg
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Thanks for the help. I've downloaded CroniX and I hope it does the trick. I'll post back in a few days to let you know...