making a website

Well, first of all, you sound like a complete noob, so most people probably won't want to write a reply for you, partly because it would take so long.
Secondly, if someone was writing an answer, it could easily take them more than the thirteen minutes you allotted them.
Thirdly, you sound quite pushy, so people may just not want to answer you because of that.

But to design websites, try a google search or something, there are plenty of articles out there. Briefly, you will need to learn HTM, and/or buy an application like Dreamweaver or GoLive.
how dynamic of a site do you want to make like post pictures on .mac site or write (x)html and css to make a fully functional site. I believe netscape offers something to create sites not really sure, can some one help me with this. Dreamweaver or Golive are options but very expensive, wouldnt recommend them. If you have the patience and time learn html and code the site your self
Just to ask that question you obviously have no idea. Do you? DO YOU?

Just Google for HTML, web design etc. Do a little research before posting please. It saves everyone time, especially you.
HTML Dog ( is relatively new, but does an excellent job. Teaches you how to do it right the first time, but it's not difficult. Teaches HTML and CSS in separate tutorials, organized by skill level. This is where I recommend every newbie go.
Started with two pathetic posts? Pathetic posts are somebody saying: "You suck because you're a n00b!" or "you're lame because you don't know how to do this!" That's pathetic. This is a forum for helping one-another. Not for bringing eachother down.
I agree with you Trip, I just meant that before asking such a question on a forum, you are best to do a little research of your own.
Oh, leave him alone already! And Dlloyd, you were quite rude in your initial response.

Mac New Guy, just register for a Yahoo! account and use Geocities to create your page. Use their built-in editor because you don't have to know a lick of code and it will put the pages on your site immediately. Then you just have to go to and your site will be there.

And remember that the first page must be named index.htm or index.html! :)

That wasn't very hard, Dlloyd. Try using a little more tact in the future, how about.
Trip said:
Started with two pathetic posts? Pathetic posts are somebody saying: "You suck because you're a n00b!" or "you're lame because you don't know how to do this!"

I did not say the following posts weren't also quite useless.
But please reckon the 'hello' reply is... uh.
i have been using an app called Freeway, made by SoftPress. It\s much like a page layout application where yoou cut and paste pics and text, place it where you want and dont have yto dela with ANY html.

It\s not so versatile as GoLive or Dreamweaver , but give it a try. It has lots of power...

check it out here :

good luck !
I second Arden's suggestion: try geocities. It's where I created my very first webpage, back in August of 2000, I think.