Making Domain accounts Local Admins

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I'm trying to figure out how to make a domain account a local admin. Usually we would not make them admins because we have students using the systems. But, now we have instructors/chairmen that have Macs that need to be local admins. How would I make them local admins? The OS we are running is snow leopard.
How was the person that added these Macs to the Domain? He/she would have a local Administrative Account on the Macs. Their name should appear at each Macs login screen as the local account and the student/user would have to push the "Other" button to login with their Domain Account.
I figured it out. To make restricted domain accounts local admins without creating a local admin account for them. You will need to get there log-in username only. On the system that they will be admin to, open terminal and type in

sudo dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership "Enter Username"
**with quotation marks

Thanks for your help.
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