man(1) using old man pages


I have a situation where man(1) displays old man pages (from xx.1 files) even though newer man pages exists (in xx.1.gz files).

Example ('ls -l' in /usr/share/man/man3/)

-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 4486 25 Dec 2005 zlib.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2089 24 Sep 2007 zlib.3.gz

I can of course just gunzip the gz files myself, but wonder about this:

(1) How did this happen? Is it because I've upgraded several times (to Tiger, to Leopard)? (The reason I ask this is of course that I want to avoid it happening again.)

(2) Is there a tool that gunzips man pages for me, so I don't have to write my own script?

Martin F
Sorry about replying to my own post, but I wish to ask:

Has anyone else experienced my problem? That is: has anyone seen newer gzipped man pages existing together with older unpacked ones?
That seems to happen by default.
It doesn't depend on the fact you have done an upgrade install on that system, since I can find the same type of files also on clean installed 10.5.2 (with factory install build, so in this case no updates applied even).

I tried to search for more but there doesn't seem to be much about that in the man pages. Somewhere around there probably could be still something on the archive process of the man pages.

So yes, I see the same gzipped man pages on 10.5.2 clean factory installed build, so at least they are not coming from a previous OS install.