Manually entered IP address. How do I undo it?


About 15 months ago the website I spend most of the day monitoring changed servers. For some reason after the server switch I still got the "upgrading" message. After several conversations with my ISP and the site's IT guy, my ISP had me "program" the new IP address into my desktop (PC) and then a day or two later they helped me do a similar thing to my MacBook Pro.

Fast forward to this past week. They switched servers again. On my work desktop I couldn't get past the new "upgrading" screen. I called the ISP -- they read from "my files" how to fix the problem and I took the line that essentially said scrapmatters = 74.57675.... out of that file (using wordpad) and it fixed the problem.

But I am still having the problem on my Mac. It's not consistent, but probably a third of the time when I click on any link on the site it goes back to the "upgrading" page. I've tried emptying my cache. Still get the errors. I went to apple>systempref>TCP/IP> and made sure it was using DCHP (whatever that means) but that still didn't fix the problem.

I'm almost positive I had to enter "scrapmatters= <an IP address>" in some file, but I can't find anyone who can help me undo it.

It sounds to me like you have a bookmark in your browser that needs changing.

What browser are you using: safari, Firefox, Opera, etc. They're all different, but similar. Find it and enter the new address; or just delete it and create a new bookmark.
Go to System Preference>Network
Change the DNS servers to these:,
Now click the padlock at the lower left.
You should be fine now.
It sounds to me like you have a bookmark in your browser that needs changing.

What browser are you using: safari, Firefox, Opera, etc. They're all different, but similar. Find it and enter the new address; or just delete it and create a new bookmark.

I'm using safari 4.0.5.

Deleted all ScrapMatters bookmarks. Still get the error.

If I type in I get the right site. Then randomly as I'm navigating around in the store, gallery, forum, x-cart, etc. I get the error.
Check your /private/etc/hosts file.

They may have had you edit that to get a direct link.

THAT WAS IT!!! WooHoo! Thanks so much!!!!

In case anyone else needs to know...
(finding /private/etc/hosts was a little tricky... in the finder, choose goto. In the dialog box type "/private/etc" and then you can navigate to the hosts file, and edit it in a text editor program)
Another way to edit the file is to download the free TextWrangler from (a free simplified version of BBEdit).

It will allow you to open the file directly (check the show hidden files box).