Our AV software can update either via http or unc (preferred option)- which is fine, except that you seem to have to mount smb shares rather than just "run" them in WinXX. So far, I've got this to work:
Mount_smbfs -I our-server.our-domain.com -U user -W workgroup //our-server/Antivirus$ /local-mountpoint
this works through terminal; mount_smbfs asks for a password, then mounts the remote share. However, I've tried to bolt this line onto the front of the AV softwares start-up script (this has to mount for all users, not just one login) and it does mount the share, but without credentials- so basically the share is invisible even to root (which means the AV software can't update). Am I missing anything for mount_smbfs (e.g. the -M switch ?) Or is there a quicker way of mounting a share prior to logon ?
All the documentation for mount_smbfs I found seems to have just one fairly basic example, and what I've found so far on the .nsmbrc file isn't much help
Any help gratefully received !
Our AV software can update either via http or unc (preferred option)- which is fine, except that you seem to have to mount smb shares rather than just "run" them in WinXX. So far, I've got this to work:
Mount_smbfs -I our-server.our-domain.com -U user -W workgroup //our-server/Antivirus$ /local-mountpoint
this works through terminal; mount_smbfs asks for a password, then mounts the remote share. However, I've tried to bolt this line onto the front of the AV softwares start-up script (this has to mount for all users, not just one login) and it does mount the share, but without credentials- so basically the share is invisible even to root (which means the AV software can't update). Am I missing anything for mount_smbfs (e.g. the -M switch ?) Or is there a quicker way of mounting a share prior to logon ?
All the documentation for mount_smbfs I found seems to have just one fairly basic example, and what I've found so far on the .nsmbrc file isn't much help
Any help gratefully received !