
Over the last little while I have notice that there is a large number of mac users who have come over from windows or linux simply because of OS X. It seems that this is a very large group including myself. I'm wondering if this has effected Apple's marketshare at all. Or do we just notice the people who have come from other platforms because they have more questions :).

It would be interesting to see more current marketshare stats.
Market share stats come out only once in a while, and I'm not really sure who puts them out, anyway, so no help here.

But I'm positive with the new hardware lineup and OS X, Apple's market share can only grow from here because of the awesome software/hardware "1-2 punch", as serpi put it.

Watch out Microsoft, here we come! :)
Apple's US market share has in fact increased, climbing over the 5% barrier recently. Back when Apple started "5 down, 95 to go" they actually had about 4.7%. A number of analysts have been coming out with fairly optimistic forecasts for Apple's market share, largely because of the new iMac. If Apple can scale up production and ship about 1.5 million iMacs Apple will probably be up to a 6% market share. I've seen a lot of estimates that by Q4 Apple will in fact be over 6%.

There has even been (imo) surprising optimism from Wall Street that Apple could double its worldwide market share in a little over a years time. That would see Apple around 7% worldwide, and probably 7% in the US too.

It's going to be slow, but there seems to be a continental shift going on in the computer industry moving away from Microsoft, and toward Apple on the desktop. I wouldn't be surprised at all (and actually expect it) if Apple was comfortably over 10% market share (US and worldwide) in 5 years.

A recent <a href=",4125,NAV47_STO69691,00.html">interview</a> with the creator of Java, James Gosling, has an interesting little quote in it for example. "And from a personal point of view, I personally actually read the [Windows] XP license and decided I couldn't sign it. So I've been shifting over to Mac." If anyone can remember the industries opinion of the Mac and Apple back in 96, this is amazing. Mac/Apple bashing has almost disappeared and at the worst you get the admission "Yeah, Apple makes some cool stuff, just not for me." Attitude change is step 1, extracting the money from the wallet is step 2 :) We're at the beginning of step 2.

It also seems that not many people are leaving macs right now. The time when people would have felt the need to leave is over. At least it seems that way to me.
i recently learned a cousin of mine defected... his old compaq was outdated and he got a 800mhz iMac with SuperDrive... nicer mac than mine! (heh, well it is close at least.)

i hope apple breaks 10%... we'll see so much more cool stuff then.
We are already seeing a lot of cool stuff because A.) Mac platform is cooler now than ever before. 2.) Windows is sucking more and more and with the whole anti trust thing I sense a hesitation when people consider windows. III.) If people (programmers) move from Windows and don't go Apple, they go *nix which is easy to port to Mac.

....but in theory, communism works. At the same time that my school is gaining members to the MUG, the ITS is trying to eradicate the Mac labs. I think we got a good number of letters to them tho so we're good for now.
I would not be suprised at all if it's true...

In my inner circle of friends, those who user computers and are/where PC users (5 of 'em not including me), 4 of them want Macs very badly now (especially the new iMac).

The 5th one is my favorite and the one I love... which scares me because she thinks Bill Gates is the best business man "He has all that money - he must be doing something right!"...

Don't worry - I'm working on her! I'll get her to go Mac before I marry her! (ok I might be pushing my luck here - um, probably on both counts! lol :D )

What's funny though is that one of her best girlfriends bought a Mac (1st version of the Quicksilvers, not sure which one). So between me and her best girlfriend - we'll make her into a Mac lover sooner or later! ;) :D
Originally posted by Tormente
I would not be suprised at all if it's true...

In my inner circle of friends, those who user computers and are/where PC users (5 of 'em not including me), 4 of them want Macs very badly now (especially the new iMac).

The 5th one is my favorite and the one I love... which scares me because she thinks Bill Gates is the best business man "He has all that money - he must be doing something right!"...

Don't worry - I'm working on her! I'll get her to go Mac before I marry her! (ok I might be pushing my luck here - um, probably on both counts! lol :D )

What's funny though is that one of her best girlfriends bought a Mac (1st version of the Quicksilvers, not sure which one). So between me and her best girlfriend - we'll make her into a Mac lover sooner or later! ;) :D

If your gf ever sees this post, she'll be 1) scared because you're already thinking about marriage, 2) shocked because you think the relationship might end, or 3) disgusted because you're trying to turn her into a Mac geek. :p I suggest not showing her this post. :) (Then again, what do I know?)

Oh, and she's probably right about that Bill Gates thing. "Best" never implied "honest", you know. :p
simX: Who says it has to be only one of the three? It could be all three.

And you can count me in as one of them thar Windows converts. Two weeks ago I was running Win2K. Today it's almost pure OS X (I still have Photoshop for Classic :( ). Yay!

I've been uncomfortable with Microsoft for years. It's just that not until OS X was I able to find something powerful and easy to use that still has software available.
Oh yeah -- Bill Gates is a good business man. But that's all he cares about. Business. Not good products, not good customer satisfaction, business. Unethical business IMHO (and technically in the opinion of the courts as well :D yay!), but how else could he have become a google-quadrillionaire (or whatever his net worth is currently).
HAHA, I have just sold my iBook and iMac to two new Mac comers. They all asked do the iBook/iMac support OS X. They said they want to run Mac OS X on them. See. Here we come.
Originally posted by simX

If your gf ever sees this post, she'll be 1) scared because you're already thinking about marriage,

Just one thing tho, she's not my girlfriend. :D
She's my best friend of almost 20 years (we're both 26). We grew up together. And either I'm going crazy - or there have been a lot of marrige hints in the past couple of weeks.... hmmm....

2) shocked because you think the relationship might end,

I'm not her type, and I know it (she was unavailable for 6 years and I'm still in shock that I might have a chance when I thought I would never have one with her! heh)...
But not that it might end - that I'm going crazy thinking it might start! LOL

or 3) disgusted because you're trying to turn her into a Mac geek. :p

Oh, she is fully aware that I'm trying to do that... She's a Computer Geek (in training) because of me. I introduced her to computers a while back - I'm just sorry it was on a PC and not a Mac (oh wait - I hated Macs back then, that explains it! Doh!).

I suggest not showing her this post. :) (Then again, what do I know?)

Phffff yeah and show her my plans???!!! Heck no! ;)

Oh, and she's probably right about that Bill Gates thing. "Best" never implied "honest", you know. :p

Oh she thinks the courts are being unfair to him!
She was being brain-washed by BG, I'm slowly convincing her that there is a reason why he's in court! ;)
Look at all the new comers and new comers that people know of! I know two people who are looking at getting new quicksilvers. And they are currently PC users!

It seems that we are gaining ground.
Seems like everyone knows someone that's getting a mac here:) me included..i know a guy that has a Dell now he's going for the new iMac! Good.
Apple is converting millions of PC users, but that is still just such a small fraction of all the PCs in the world (Market share counts total number, not just number of people so huge companies increase it a lot) I don't think that we will, but it really would be nice if Apple broke 10% though:D
With Mac OS X and hopefully future price cuts and Apple retail stores across the nation, we'll get more users every day. It won't happen over night, but I have a feeling marketshare will increase. It's our duty as mac users to help newbies, to show them how great our community really is. Apple can't do it alone, that's why I think they enjoy having cult status. They can control a large amount of people with Job's Reality Distortion field and people will follow and suck up friends and neighbors and co workers along the way.

Steve Jobs for President!
I recently converted my parents from Gateway. They're getting two new G4 towers with 17 inch flat screens. I also helped one of my friends buy a dual 1GHz G4 (he dumped his Gateway), and another just got the new high-end iMac today. I'm giving him an OS X tutorial tomorrow. Slowly but surely we'll get there.
I have a few friends that use Macs, and a few love Macs, but say they are too expensive and are slow, and how they can build a $800 computer that kicks the crap out of them for games. *sigh*
Sometimes I just wonder maybe that PC's are actually better in that regard...not that I'm switching :p
Kind of an expencive Game Console - don't you think? :p
And here I thought the Sony Playstation 2 that I want is too expencive at $300! lol :D

But that's _ALL_ PCs are good for... games...

I feel that is the only area Macs are lagging on but are slowly starting to catch up.

I have a 1Ghz AMD Athelon system with 756mbs of RAM, 60Gb Hard Drive, and a VooDoo 3 3000 video card, as a Game Console! And I can't get a PS2 or GameCube??? DOH!!! LOL :p