chat client available

ddma & others. I limited the installation of the framework to the root drive. That's because the application will look on the root drive only for the framework.

You only have one disk visible, so that should be your root drive. It may be a bug in the installer program(Apple's code :p)
they were more than 40 people logged at the same time on our chat during the keynote. A very great moment ! Thanks to all the ones that contributed to the macosx chat !!!
yes, this was fun... real time !

Why this name ? Is it the only way to fight Giaguara ?
i knew i liked this site for a reason... love the program :) look forward to hearing from you soon.
um, I really like this client, but can you add the ability for me to connect to other servers? I'm always on 2 other channels and I would love to be able to connect from this client since I like it better then ircle.
Sorry, the client is built from the ground up to only connect to one server/channel. The purpose of it is to only connect to the channel for this site.

Implementing multiple servers & channels would require re-engineering of the entire application.
A new version has been posted to versiontracker and macupdate.

This version does not use an installer and should fix any problems with installing that people were having.
The new installer is very good.

If you have problems to uninstall the previous version (as I did) do the following:

start Terminal
cd to the Application folder
check that you have only one folder or application which name starts with MacOSX
type sudo chmod -R 777 MacOSX* (you will have to enter your password when asked)
rm -R MacOSX*

new you are ready to install the latest version of MacOS X Chat.
The finder wouldn't let me over write it either. I just deleted by moving to the trash and emptying it. Then just copied to the applications folder.

I'll work on getting the permissions fixed so it shouldn't happen again.
Originally posted by Captain Code
The finder wouldn't let me over write it either. I just deleted by moving to the trash and emptying it. Then just copied to the applications folder.

I'll work on getting the permissions fixed so it shouldn't happen again.

I was not able to move to trash, no autorisation, even if I am the administrator. I had to go through the terminal as explained above. The problem being that the owner was not me but system and the group wheel.

I'm not sure we can change it in the new application, the only solution is probably an uninstaller for the old version of the software, or the list of operation I indicated above.
Before I make the disk image, the ownership is set to the group admin, but after the disk image is made, it changes to unknown for some reason.

But, when I copy it over the previous copy(same version) the finder lets me do it without any problems. After copying it also shows the ownership as group admin again.

I think that people may have problems copying over the previous version, but after this version, all new ones shouldn't be a problem(I hope).
You will find a simple and minimal user's guide for the Chat here.

Comments welcome.