maxtor sucks..


I have two drives that have taken a dump on me fully loaded after tryn to transfer files.. Seagate all the way!!!

G5 Quad Core 2.5 OS 10.4.6 with 3G of ram

Maxtor 180G one touch model number 5000dv

Error message Cannot recognize drive and it asks me to initialize it and lose all my songs again...

Run Disk Utility. If Disk Utility doesn't work, run DiskWarrior. If DiskWarrior doesn't work, use Data Rescue II.

Why blame Maxtor when this is probably a software (directory) problem?
I too am having issues with a 160 GB Lacie (Maxtor) external drive that mounts, and when I try to access filles on the drive, a clicking noise can be heard, then nothing, anda spinning wheel of death.

Disk Warrior cannot be run, as the clicking occurs and then the wheel....

Disk Utility does the same thing.

Any advice will be appreciated.


all of my itunes music lives on that drive, which isn't the end of the world, but it wouldf be nice to get them back, if possible.

The problem is that Maxtor refuses to update their external FW devices. End of story. I've spoken to Maxtor engineers, customer service reps, & company feedback reps. The answer is a Big Fat 'NO' to Mac updates.

My guess at this point is that 3rd party Corps. are trying to drive users completely away from using Apple computers by not updating their drivers. Every time Apple has an OSX update, new 3rd party drivers may need to be installed. I personally have no need for an Apple-Window computer. Besides, Window computers are a 'dime a dozen' compared to Apple's heftier prices.

It doesn't appear that Apple, nor most 3rd party Corps. want to budge on this one, so we are out of time, money, productivity & the King's been CheckMated.
He's talking about a LaCie drive containing a Maxtor harddrive, though. So here, LaCie would have to be asked about "updates".
1st, seagate owns maxtor, so a maxtor is a seagate. second, my mac was choped full of maxtor drives, 3 of them, and i never had any problems. and i replaced them with one big maxtor drive, and it sings along just fine.
well, I never have to instal software to get a maxtor drive to work but the problem is I have had two now with death-ohh disk sound. I know it's all over when you hear that sound but I have just had hopefull wishes..
well, all hard drives, no matter who makes them, will die someday. if they were "value" (inexpensive) maxtor drives, they will die sooner than the "performance" maxtor drives. its that way with all makes. i just had a western digital die in my win box. what a pain that was. but i'll be replacing it with the 2 smaller maxtors that i just pulled out of my mac that were replaced with the 300gig maxtor. i buy what's on sale, use it for a couple of years, and the moment the drive starts acting up, i run back to the store, buy a new drive on sale that is bigger and copy everything over and yank the old drive out. thats just the facts of digital life.