Maya not redrawing panels!


Wishful Drinking
I've been trying to get to grips with Maya 3.5 on a Quicksilver G4 with a GeForce 2MX graphics card and it refuses to refresh the screen - not the windows with the 3D stuff in - they all refresh beautifully, but the panels and everything else around them will only redraw if you drag something over them. This is making the Channel Box and Attribute Editor completely useless - you cant type in the boxes or see if they're selected without dragging something over them, then they aren't selected any more :(

I installed Maya PLE on the same computer and it works fine, as it does on my G4, but I cant install the full version elsewhere and I don't wanna pay just to try it. Does anyone know what's causing this or if there's a fix for it? Or am I gonna have to learn this thing on PLE? Seems a bit more complicated than StudioPro so I'd like a real version to play with.
What version of Maya are you currently running? If it's a pirated version of 3.5 you will have problems on any version of OS X higher than 10.1.

If you legaly own a copy, Alias Wavefront should have sent you a cd with the 3.5.1 update... although the redraw is fixed, it does still have some issues with the preference panels.

To run Maya on 10.2 they suggest Maya 4 which has recently been released for the Mac.

EDIT: I just reread your last paragraph. That is where your problem lies. More than likely you just have the 3.5 version. You will need 3.5.1. Maya is pretty difficult to learn. But it is Much more powerfull than the majority of apps out there.
Dunno, think it might be 3.5 - not my computer, but it was running on 10.2 so thats probably the answer. Guess I'll have to make do with my PLE which is 3.5.1 until I can afford the full version.

those watermarks are very distracting, and the PLE uses a seperate file format that's incompatable with commercial versions. If you can get over those downfall's the easiest thing to do is use PLE. Other than that, if whoever owns the computer has a true maya license they can request an upgrade CD. If that's not an option prepare for a 350 meg download.