Maya sold to Accel-KRR


What if any effect will this have on the mac versions? I know that one of the managing partners used to work for Real Networks(ironic with what's going on) What would happen if they decided to do an "Apple" and make the product not run on a mac???
I'm predicting status quo on the Mac version. They are publicly proclaming dedication to the Mac version and also claim the Mac version is the biggest growing audience for the app.

I can't believe all the effort put into the Mac conversion would go to waste so soon. I'm very optimistic we will see Maya grow and mature fully on the Mac.
It's just a buyout so that Alias can grow and prosper without it's SGI parent. Internally, it's the same executives and managers. So Alias' agenda won't necessarily change.
Take my word for it, this can only HELP Alias. I have close relations with everyone at the San Fran office, and trust me, they've needed to get away from SGI for awhile. Ever since SGI got out of the "consumer" market when they dropped their NT machines, theyve only been holding A|W back (now just alias, not Alias|Wavefront).

This totally will NOT affect their production of Maya on OSX, in fact, it will only help it, assuming this new company doesnt fold any time soon ;)

I have some friends that are Industrial Designers and Animators and use Studio Tools and Maya and theyve been wanting to go strictly mac for a while. But, Alias hasnt been able to develop STools for OSX, now hopefully they can.

STools is a GREAT program, and I sure hope they can move forward with it and cross platforms...
I have no regrets switching from Maya on pc to running Maya on OS X,
I love how Maya 5 works in OS X. I hope they wil continue developing
this software for OS X. Right now they lack Maya Unlimited for OSX, but
I can't afford that licence anyway.

Actually, I was sort of hoping Apple would Buy Alias, and make Maya
run as smoothly as FCP 4. Studio Tools for OS X definately sounds like a good idea.

i don't know about maya, but i'm taking an Alias course and I think it is the most unintuitive software out there. my pinky and ring finger are numb from shift+alt/shift-ctrl/crtl-alt + left/mid/right clicking the marking menus ... i'll be done on monday wohoo!
That's interesting...I bounced around on Lightwave, Carrara, Animation Master and others, only to finally settle in on Maya, because I found it to be among the MOST intuitive. I guess everybody has a different take for their style.

I find Lightwave to be by far the least intuitive. I could just never get that program.

Carrara is actually the most intuitive for me, but it's not quite powerful enough for where I want to be. However, it's actually a pretty darn decent mid-range 3D app.

Animation Master is a disaster, but don't get me started...