Dear All,
I have d/l the demo and I have the full retail verision of MoH Allied Assault. I have to say that I was not too impressed with the demo of SpearHead, it needs work.
I know, I know, it's just a demo, but the game is nearly going to 'Gold' status, I just feel that they are rushing the game.
For example, the sounds on the game are poor, even on high quality, so I can only assume that the high quality samples were not included in the demo.
Why, why did they not include more choice of weapons, and why change the Allied rifle to single bolt action! NO!
The performance of the game was not I expected. I have a 1GHz G4, with 64MB VRAM, and I had to put the graphic options to medium to get any good performance. God knows what kind of machine your need to have all the setting on Max?!
I will wait for other users opinions before I buy the game, but to be honest, I will probably buy it anyway because it's bloody good fun online.