Media player


So when do the monopolists at Microsoft feel it is the right time to allow us Mac users to use the new WMP?

I can no longer keep count of how many times I have downloaded .wmv files that are encoded for WMP 9 and that cannot be watched on Macs. It just pisses me off so much when things like this happen as you just know this is done on puprose just to rub it in for all the faithful Mac users.

I hope we get it by Christmas!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
i personaly avoid WMP like the plague. (OMG that makes me sound old) anyways, i prefer mpegs (1-4) just makes my life easier. AND mpeg 1 can be turned in to VCD
Originally posted by Jet
i personaly avoid WMP like the plague. (OMG that makes me sound old) anyways, i prefer mpegs (1-4) just makes my life easier. AND mpeg 1 can be turned in to VCD

Yes but that is no good for me. If someone puts up a video of something I'm really interested in then avoiding it is not an option!

I know mpegs are much better and Microsoft knows this yet they try very hard to make their windows users use .wmv as much as possible. Another attempt to monopolize the on-line video thing!! Pathetic!

So basically there is nothing I can do until we mac users are given the great honour of downloading the new Medial player in a few months??
Show me a movie you're having trouble with. I have trouble sometimes, but AFAIK it isn't related to this.
I can also hardly imagine to not be able to play some kind of videos. Mostly vlc manages all. Did you search for any kind of converter? There are so many out there...
Hehe! where was it? In Tokyo? But those are german cars. And nice sound! ;)
Well, I have to admit: I wasn't able to play back those videos (sound was no prob), but mediaplayer 9 on winxp did...
I get the same probs here as well. For both VCL and WMV 6 or whatever their latest version is I get almost to always no picture and only sound on ALL WMV formats. And it's very annoying.
When I find videos on sites that aren't playing on Macs I ALWAYS send at least 1 email to each and every person that I can find their email on those sites... If they ignore me, I email them again and again until I will get a positive reply and action on that matter or they will just categorize me as Spammer and even then I use my other email accounts! :p

No mercy to all monopolists! :D
