member advertising space space


first, i'd like to say that this isn't for my benefit.

i know it is against board rules to advertise your work, but sometimes it might be worthwhile. just an idea, but maybe it would be nice to create a seperate forum/heading where members could post info about their creations. it would expose the rest of us to new software while giving the members a chance to get their product "out there" so to speak.

some details that popped into my head...

don't let member post their goodies until they have made X number of posts. keep all the "advertisements" to a computer-oriented nature.

just some thoughts. might be cool.
Why not just let your signature do that?
It's a cool idea though. Something a lot of us could use.
you can't search for a sig. if i'm looking for a new fhjwepio application, i can search for threads in the "member projects" section.
this issue hasn't been brought up lately but i've always encouraged our members to share their mac/computer related work. i like it when someone starts a thread telling us they just wrote an app for doing xyz and where we can get it. i like developers who invite our members to be beta testers.

and in general, i follow the guidelines about posting as you've described. if someone has just registered and their only post if to tell us about some software they're charging money for, then i see it as advertising. if they've been here awhile and/or i see them making other contributions to the site, then i see it as being a good member of the community that we should support. and when someone does let us in on something like this it is either apple news or system/software stuff. plus we encourage sharing of websites our members have created in the web development forum. people are free to do this, i don't see the need for a special forum to do it in at this time.
I do believe you are able to buy actual advertising, as in ad banners for the front page and possibly other spaces. Talk to Scott or Alex about that.
no arden, it isn't for me. i just thought it might be cools to have a dedicated spot for members to show off their stuff.
i understand that people promote their stuff on this board. that is no the issue i'm talking about. i'm talking about a central location for it so when people like myself have some time and what to check out what people here are doing or we have a convenient place to look for it.

or better yet, projects that people are involved in would become a "first look" for people like myself. say i need a new text editor. say arden posted a note about a new text editor he is working on. BAM! i get to check out somethign for myself and support the members of this site. what t deal!
I think I can see what you're getting at... basically a special "promotion" forum in which people can plug away without fear of retribution.

You may have to wait a while for that text editor, I've barely started computer science this semester. ;)