Problem with the memory management system? Where?
Ok, actually there are some memory issues, but they really aren't from what you think. OS X just requires alot of memory. Personally I think 1G is a good number. In all honesty, on a G4 and above box, it's really not very expensive to hit 1G, atleast use 512M as a mininum. One of the biggest issues that can cause lots of page in and outs if you have a lower amount of memory is having multiple applications open.
Ofcourse, this isn't for the reason you think. You'd think "lots of apps, means lots of memory, so you'd page alot". Well, that is kinda true, but only when you're switching apps. One of the big issues is the window manager in OS X. The more apps you have running, the more memory it sucks down. This memory also likes to be in physical ram, doesn't swap very well. The reason for this is, due to all the cool effects/transparencies/etc in Quartz, Quartz keeps every window drawn completely in memory. If it's hidden, it's still drawn completely in memory. If you have 10 differnt IE windows open, it has every pixel of every window sitting in memory. When you pull one of the background windows forward, it gets to access all that memory to compute what gets shown, what needs to be transparent, where shadows fall, etc. If your having to send window manager memory to swap to run you app, you're gonna get alot of page outs when you start moving windows. This becomes even worse when you switch between 2 open apps, not only are those two apps fighting for memory, but the window manager is fighting for memory inbetween the switch. In all theory, with todays memory prices, if you have to swap, you need to buy more RAM, that or run less programs
For example, we can look at my current memory usage (just looking at the top proccesses):
XDarwin: 177M
Mozilla: 72M
iCal: 61M
Window Manager: 138M
Thats 448M of RAM without adding in any of the other things that the OS uses in the backend. If I had 256M, and I kept switching between XDarwin and Mozilla, I'd be hosed for speed. Even with 512 adding in all the needed backend memory, I'd still be swapping up a storm.
Ofcourse, you can blame apple for this, but then we wouldnt' have our pretty eye candy window manager. You could also blame the app developers for making bloated apps, but people tend to like the bloat. You could blame the memory management system, but it's not it's fault that it's having to manage applications that are complete hogs. Ofcourse, you could also blame the economy for being in the toilet and not allowing you to buy more RAM
Or, just be like the rest of the world, and blame me, thats what I'm here for
Ofcourse, this is just my $.02 worth, actually, I think I made it up to a nickel tonight.