Memory for iMac / Panther experiences


Hi everybody,

I have a slot-loading iMac, currently running OS9.1, which I would ideally like to upgrade to Panther. I figure I should upgrade the RAM (currently at 256Mb before doing so.

Bought a 512Mb PC133 memory module for it, but it doesn't work and also doesn't appear in the System Profile.

I've tried a couple of these modules, and none seem to work, also swapped them around different machines. The iMac is a G3 400mHz slot loader, also tried it in another similar machine, and a G4 466mHz AGP graphics.

Doesn't work in any of them. Is there an inherent motherboard limitation, or have I just been buying cheap and nasty RAM?

On another tenuously related matter, I'd be interested to hear how anyone else has got on running Panther on a machine of this age and spec. I've been running Panther on my Powerbook G4 867 and it's been great, but I'm a little concerned that it might slow the old iMac down a bit too much.

I've got unused Jaguar install discs sitting as well, so I could potentially install that if it's going to be any better performance-wise. What do people think?


From both extensive research & my own experience, Panther runs much better and faster than Jaguar on older Macs. I have an original Bondi iMac, with a 500 MHz G4 upgrade and 512 MB RAM, and 10.3.2 is supoib.
Double-check for firmware update for that slot-loading iMac. That would need to be complete before installing Panther, and one result should be ability to see the 512 MB Memory stick. You'll find the firmware updater for your iMac, in the Utilities folder on the Panther install CD.
Definitely, Panther is better on older, slower systems than Jaguar.
Check my signature.

When I installed RAM into my iMac, I had some trouble actually getting the chip to fit in the slot. It takes a very deliberate kind of pressure to get it to click just right, but when it does you'll know it.

As for performance, Panther is definitely slower in many respects than OS 9, but it is quicker in some, like switching to another application while one is busy (launching, processing, etc.). And there is almost nothing a program can do to keep you from switching to another application. But it's definitely less responsive than it should be, although it's better than Jaguar.
Got the firmware update installed - couldn't find it on the install CD so wound up having to download it. It updated fine, but the machine still can't see the memory. :(

Anyone had any problems using cheap, "generic" memory not specifically intended for macs? It's a standard PC133 module, 512Mb, and I hadn't been expecting any problems.
Oh, these iMacs use PC 100. I don't know if it will make a difference, but try it.
Both PC 100 and 133 are sold for the slot-loading iMac, but probably only the now more expensive PC100 will work:

512MB PC100 CL2 168 Pin SDRam 2-2-2 for PowerMac G4 AGP/Sawtooth/Gigabit Models up to 500MHz(PC100), G4 Cube, iMac G3/350-700MHz.

If the dealer sold you the wrong RAM for your model iMac you should be able to exchange it. I was happy with the two sticks I got for my tray-loading iMac from OWC:

Good Luck!
Hey hoggy i got exactly the same problem but i didn't the firmware updater on the apple site (i must be kind of stupid) , can you help me with this ? Where did you find it ?

All i can find his a G5 Firmware Updater !!!

Where is the G3 Firmware updater ???
The iMac firmware updater for slot-loading iMacs is found HERE It's easily found with a search at the Apple site for iMac firmware
I obviously look in the wrong places... Anyway i no longer have Os 9.1 ( i get ride of it since 10.2 ) and it seems that i need Os9 to this !

Do you know way to Upgrade the firmware without this ?

I just tried to re install Os9 from the cd i got with OsX but it needs classic to start up ! :(
If you have an OS 9 install CD, just put that in your CD drive, and restart holding the C key. That will boot up that install CD, and just run the OS 9 installer and there you go. Yes, you have to boot to OS 9 to run the firmware updater.