Memory prices circa 1996


OS X Jaguar
check this out... found it while going through os 9's notepad

Upgraded RAM to 20 MB
$170- Chip merchant! Excellent Price!!!

I thought that price was excellent back then? LOL

how times change.. .
That is amazing, but what really pisses me off is how RAM has almost tripled in price from about six months ago. In Nov. I paid $32 for a 256-meg DIMM from Crucial. 512 megs was $64, so I figured I would just get another 256 or a 512 if and when I needed it. I figured they would either stay the same or go down, but never thought they would go up. Sucks.
You should have taken an economics course. I bought a 512MB module for $56 last year, figuring that prices were bound to go up pretty soon. And sure enough, they did.
It's just like gasoline (only not as extreme). When supply is high and prices are low, the producers stop producing until supply goes down and prices go up.
also, where you buy ram from matters... mac warehouse, I found, was usually higher than other sources.. I always found great prices at:

and, finding your ram and ordering from here online a breeze.
I know about supply and demand, but didn't think that would affect this, since most computer parts are how I had assumed. So with typical trends, when should memory prices go back down?
yes, please, do tell. id like to know when they are going to go back down, too!

i remember paying a crap load of $ for these 72 pin simms for my PowerMac 7100/66... something like $70 for a 16 meg chip, and the had to be bought in pairs. ouch.
Back before 1995 32 Mb module was over $1,000 big ouch.....expensive huh? I remember it well...even a 20 Mb hard drive back in mid 1980's cost about $500. How time changes...:D
I've been buying ram from Data Memory Systems for over 10 years. Their prices are always low (& they'll match a lower price), and their service & support are phenomenal. They warranty their ram against defects for the life of the owner.

I can also recall taking out an apple loan to pay for a 20 MB drive & a couple of 256K (yes K) chips for my SE30.