Memory upgardes in G5?!


I have a Power Mac G5 1.8ghz. running TIger. I recently purchased two 1gig. memory sticks; DDR SDRAM PC3200U-30440. I already have two 512mb. and four 128mb memory sticks; DDR SDRAM PC3200U-30330.
Is the slower 1gig. memory sticks going to cause a kernel panic attack down the road? Everything seemed to start up OK but should all the memory sticks match in speed?
Thank you ahead of time!
Would only cause a kernel panic if it was bad or incompatible ram.
They don't have to match in speed, but all will run at the lowest speed.
Please forgive a stupid question, but which would be slower....PC3200U-30330 or PC3200U-30440???
And with such a small incremement in speed differentiation, would it even be noticeable, except in a heavy graphics environment like a game?

Because I swear that I have noticed a slow down in Halo, but I quess that that would be related to the graphics card and its' VRAM, right?