Ahhhh... I can explain, but it's UNIXy.
With OS X and its very efficient memory management, OS X seeks to keep as much of the RAM used as possible so as to minimize latency when paging things in to memory (paging in = brining things from disk to memory).
Basically there are four types of memory -- wired, active, inactive, and free (you can see the stats for all 4 kinds if you keep clicking on the overall progress bar). Wired memory is data that MUST be kept in physical memory and under no circumstances paged out (paged out = data from memory being written to disk; an example of something that is wired is the function to page things into memory -- if it was paged out, then nothing could ever be paged in again because that function is never in memory, and you couldn't page it in because you don't have the function to page in data in physical memory -- OK that sounds funny). Active memory is memory that CAN be paged out, but is currently being used. Inactive memory is memory that can be paged out, but remains in memory in case you need that data again. Free memory is memory that is not being used at all.
It's this inactive memory that is causing the discrepancy, I believe. When you quit an application, it no longer shows up in the list of processes that my memory application gets its memory from, but some of the data is kept in memory if you have lots of free memory. For example, right now, I have 442.11 MB of my 896 MB of memory free. Because of this, OS X decides to leave some data that was used by previously-open applications in memory, in case I want to open that application again. So when quitting an application, it might purge some of the data from memory (like data from websites and stuff in the case of a web browser), but OS X might decide to leave some stuff (like the resources required to open the application itself). This is mainly why it takes less bounces to open an application the second and third times after a restart than it does the first launch after a restart.
I successfully downgraded to AppleScript 1.8.1, but you'll need to redownload the stand-alone OS X 10.1.2 update (not combo -- the normal one should work fine) again. Once you do that, use Pacifist (a utility available at
www.versiontracker.com) to extract only the AppleScript components. Here are the directories for all the resources you need from that package to a downgrade (it's very easy via Pacifist):
/System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Standard Additions
Note that some of these paths may be truncated, but you want to just select the whole directory in Pacifist and tell it to extract it (don't say Extract to...; just use the default extract directory, and say "Replace All" when the dialog comes up). This should successfully downgrade you to AppleScript 1.8.1 so my application can work.
I'm still wondering why it works for you after the first errors. It never did on mine.