Menu bar items problems


I searched for other threads on this briefly so forgive me if I am being redundant.

Here goes...

I just bought a Griffin AirClick USB. It works great and all, but it puts an icon up in the menu bar (next to volume, spotlight, battery power, wireless, etc...). I don't mind, but unlike the other menu bar items, the one for the AirClick has a shadow and border around it like it was a normal window, which makes it look really ugly over there. This is a problem among freeware I had previously tried as well, so I am hoping someone has a solution!

Thanks everybody.
You might try opening the .pkg Contents and find that icon pic and changing it.
Wow...Now see, that's how I've always seen it on OTHER people's machines...That screenshot at first looks like mine, but I noticed the lack of shadows. Mine floats on top like this:

The shadow is on the three sides that fit on the screen, whether or not it is highlighted.

The thing is, I don't think it's an icon thing since any software (freeware (I once tried Backlight) and this kind of thing) that is not Apple built-in makes these floating icons. At first I thought Apple was being weird on developers or something.

I also cannot move the thing left or right, cmd+drag just highlights it as if I clicked on it.

OS 10.4.4 has anything to do with it?


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straaaaaaaange... Hm. I'm at a loss. This certainly isn't normal and shouldn't happen. Can you try and create a new test user on your system and see if it happens there, too, if you install it? My suspicion is it's a weird corrupt preference issue with the system's windowserver or something.
I tried what you said, made a new problem on that one, it looks great.

But I want it to work on my admin (normal) account. I know, I know, you should never use an admin account as a normal account and all that, but I am confident I am secure...

If it is a corrupt windowserver thingy, can I get it fixed at the store or something?
Oh...and anyone who has extra software/peripherals that show up in the menu bar, can those icons be rearranged? Do they mix with the Apple stuff too? Because mine seems fixed....
Nothing wrong with using an admin account. I can't imagine NOT using my admin account, really.

As for the weird display, I've never seen it before. Have you ever installed any appearance changers like ShapeShifter? Seems like maybe there's something from a program like that lingering around.
WonderFool said:
Oh...and anyone who has extra software/peripherals that show up in the menu bar, can those icons be rearranged? Do they mix with the Apple stuff too? Because mine seems fixed....

Some can be re-arranged by Command-clicking and dragging. Others will just appear in the order in which they were loaded, from right to left. Generally you can quit them and reload them in the order you like, but there is no guaranty that they will retain that order if they load automatically at start-up.
Mikuro said:
Nothing wrong with using an admin account. I can't imagine NOT using my admin account, really.

As for the weird display, I've never seen it before. Have you ever installed any appearance changers like ShapeShifter? Seems like maybe there's something from a program like that lingering around.

You know what? I think that might easily have been it. I solved the problem, I think (and hope), but I'm not sure which of the things I did influenced it. Here's what all I happened to do at once:
1)Trying to get a iP8600 printer (Canon) to work, I downloaded the driver and installed it.
2)That required a restart but then I thought all my printers disappeared. I still can't figure it out - it recongized the new printer (plugged in) but showed no trace of ever knowing two other ones (not plugged in). Of course, I think it is because they were'nt plugged in, but in Printers in Preferences, it had shown all printers (attached or not) as attached by USB, but then after installing the new driver the window was blank. Oh well, they work anyway.
3)Since I was thinking the restart messed it up, I restarted 2 more times.

Now, the problem is, somewhere during or after that I was reading something fryke wrote about APE.... I am now confused in what order I did things. Anyway, I have narrowed it down to two possibilities:
1)The floating AirClick (or any other 3rd party menu bar item) was due to not having restarted after installing AirClick, and restarting fixed it. I think this might be true since I can only remember putting my machine to sleep.
2)Some time during my restart frenzy involving disappearing printers, I reacted to Fryke's statement and disabled 2 of 3 APE modules AND then one of my restarts made it normal.

I really don't know what it was, but it's gone now, thank you everyone.
andychrist said:
Some can be re-arranged by Command-clicking and dragging. Others will just appear in the order in which they were loaded, from right to left. Generally you can quit them and reload them in the order you like, but there is no guaranty that they will retain that order if they load automatically at start-up.

I see. Thank you. That's too bad. Not being able to rearrange them seems very Windowsesque. Still, now that I've (hopefully) fixed the problem, I have to try to remember what all freeware I got rid of solely on the basis that it made my menu bar unsightly. Some kind of clipboard app comes to mind but I can't remember... CoolKlip? I might have that somewhere....